Oak Park Speaker Series: Blog
Indivizible Meets Tedx
By Staff Writer
On August 15, the Indivizible Speaker Series held its 2nd annual version of TEDx at the Guild Theater. The sold-out crowd of 200 people was entertained by a variety of speakers, videos and performers during the 90 minute event.
The theme for the event was “40 Acres and a Muse” and the program consisted of local entrepreneurs and entertainers. Place maker Tre Borden, and Rapid Brands CEO Chris Johnson, who appeared on ABC’s “Shark Tank,” headlined the program.
Dr. Bennet Omalu Discusses Hard Truths About Football in Black Communities
2016 Speaker Series
Loud gasps filled the Guild Theater, as guest speaker, Dr. Bennet Omalu – “Concussion” doctor - explained some hard truths about America’s favorite past time, the great game of football. Omalu spoke candidly about the harrowing effects football has on the African American community.
Dr. Bennet Omalu: The Man The NFL Couldn’t Silence
2016 Speaker Series
There is only one person, known to man, with enough courage and grit to go up against one of the largest corporations – so large they own a day of the week- in the world, and have the audacity to win. That man, is Dr. Bennet Omalu, Nigerian-American forensic pahtologist and nueropathologist. The NFL wasn’t ready for Omalu’s message, nor the the public sentiment that followed.
“When you do something in truth, out of love, you step into the light!” – Dr. Benne Omalu
#Souljah2sac: Be Sure to R.S.V.P. Early!
Event Updates
EVENT UPDATES – In preparation for the December installment, of the 2015 Speaker Series, featuring keynote speaker Sister Souljah, please be sure to reserve your seat early!
Seating will be limited and if you have not reserved your seat, seating will be first come, first serve.
6 Life Lessons From Legendary Multicultural Artist Dr. Synthia Saint James
2015 Speaker Series
Sacramento, as the politically charged community it’s known to be, has a tendency to breed and attract left-brain thinkers. Despite such realties, there’s an insistent, continuously building desire to cultivate artistic expression in our Sacramento communities and Indivizible’s September guest speaker, multi-cultural artist Dr. Synthia Saint James, proved to be the perfect segue into the arts and culture conversation.
Guerrilla Gardener Ron Finley Leading Sacramento To A ‘Nutritional War’ Victory
2015 Speaker Series
Indivizible’s local installment of Ted Talks, Ted X, featuring Los Angeles urban farmer Ron Finley, proved to be a monumental success, as it added a level of transparency to a subject that has plagued our communities for years: lack of proper nutrition in the hood.
Despite Finley’s growing popularity with supporters world-wide, Los Angeles’ very own guerrilla gardener charmingly reminded Indivizible members that all he did to gain all this publicity, and ignite this nutritional revolution, was simply plant a carrot on the sidewalk.
A Mayor’s Conversation with Ben Carson, MD – A Review of Black Excellence
2015 Speaker Series
You may know Ben Carson, MD as a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, the first to successfully separate conjoined twins. Perhaps you know him as a best-selling author. How about as a 2016 presidential candidate?
Regardless of whichever accomplishment you relate to him, there is one undeniable and collective identifier—Dr. Carson has defied any challenge presented to him with a tenacious work ethic and an unwavering focus on excellence.
Saving Our Students: Dr. Steve Perry Schools Sacramento
Black Agenda
If there’s one thing that Dr. Steve Perry does consistently at all his talks, it’s keeping it real.
Here’s a small example:
“If you look at the academic performance of African American students in any city, they are the same. Our students are losing. How can we expect to talk about calculus with our students if we can’t even get past reading? There’s no room for comfort in the discomfort of these circumstances.”
A Message From May’s Guest Speaker Dr. Steve Perry
2015 Speaker Series
As we look forward our May guest speaker, Dr. Steve Perry, we thought we’d leave you with a few tidbits on why Perry is working diligently to “…make sure that our children don’t have to live and die in squalor.”
With an increasing focus on education in underserved communities, it’s refreshing to see such a visionary building up our communities and future generations to be better contributing members of society.
@DrStevePerry makes his way to #Sacramento to talk #Education!
Civil Rights Legend Ambassador Andrew Young Comes to Sacramento
2015 Speaker Series
He is a civil rights legend.
He is the first African American to be appointed as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
He was a United States Congressman.
He was one of the most successful Mayors of Atlanta, GA and was instrumental in bringing the 1996 Olympics there.
He has over 100 honorary degrees from universities worldwide.
How much of an introduction does Andrew Young need?
Race, Sports, and Politics: Mayor Johnson Honored, Leads Panel Talk With California Legends
2015 Speaker Series
Throughout our history, sports has played a pivotal role in the advancement of civil rights – from Jackie Robinson integrating baseball to Tommie Smith and John Carlos taking a stand at a 1968 Olympics medal ceremony. Last year, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver’s swift and decisive response to Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s racially charged comments made clear that there is no place for institutionalized racism in today’s society.
Sinbad’s Humor Therapy: There’s A Grain of Truth In Every Joke
2015 Speaker Series
In the case of comedian and actor Sinbad, that grain [of truth] looks more like a monolith, especially if you ask those who were able to take part in the first installment of Indivizible’s 2015 Speaker Series.
5 Tips On How To Be The Next Black Ceo, As Told By Black Ceo James White
2014 Speaker Series
There are only six African American CEO’s of all Fortune 500 companies in America, accounting for a mere 1.2 percent. To say there’s an opportunity for growth in this sector would be a major understatement. It is a conceivable notion, however sometimes the world isn’t as easily convinced.
Event Recap: Nikki Giovanni Brings a Little Utopia to Sacramento
2014 Speaker Series
One would have of never thought it, but last week’s Indivizible meeting started with an interesting conversation about beer. The choice of beer for this particular discussion was none other than the #1 Beer in the World, Samuel Adams’ Utopia.
Nikki Giovanni: Passionate Writer + Poet, Relentless Activist And Never Ending Truth Seeker
2014 Speaker Series
Meeting one of the worlds most well known African American poets, Nikki Giovanni, is reason enough to be present at Indivizible’s November installment of the 2014 Speaker Series, next Monday evening at the Guild Theater. Yes, you should definitely be there, but you have to know there is much more to the “national treasure” than the beautiful rhythmic poems you’ve happened read over the years.
Dr. George C. Fraser To Sacramento: 8 Bad Habits Keeping Blacks From Getting Ahead
2014 Speaker Series
Although Black America no longer has the fight of slavery, there is still the constant struggle against structural racism, which has become the big, fat elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about or even attempt to manage. The figurative walls these racial disparities and seemingly invisible barriers to opportunities have created within our society are becoming higher than most would like to admit.
Prop 47: Let My People Vote November 4th
Black Agenda
LET MY PEOPLE VOTE is a prophetic voter engagement movement to galvanize faith communities to stand up and demonstrate what it means to vote our faith and values.
On November 4th, we will have the chance to vote for Prop 47, a proposal to “change sentencing for low-level nonviolent crimes such as simple drug possession and petty theft from felonies to misdemeanors and direct financial savings to K-12 schools, mental health treatment, and victim services.”
3 More Big Names Set To Visit Indivizible’s Speaker Series This Year And Why You Shouldn’t Miss It
2014 Speaker Series
Over the last nine months Indivizible’s 2014 Speaker Series has housed some intense, thought-provoking dialogue, ranging from the tools needed to drive economic empowerment in African-American communities to whether, or not, it’s smart to make it a requirement for young athletes to go to college before heading straight to the league.
Mikal Brown To Indivizible: Bryant’s Book “How The Poor Can Save Capitalism” Is “Nothing If Not Practical”
Economic Development
We can all agree that when you read John Hope Bryant’s title of his latest book, “How The Poor Can Save Capitalism“, it’s hard for anyone to not give the book a second glance. The argument in itself is, to most, initially baffling. The poor saving our society’s middle class? Yeah, right! Right?
5 Things You Didn’t Know About John Hope Bryant
2014 Speaker Series
You often hear about entrepreneurs and successful business owners giving back to the community. They write a check to their organization of choice and that’s the extent of it.
It’s rare to hear philanthropists taking it upon themselves to connect with communities, making the effort to understand why the money they are donating is even needed in the first place.
10 Important African American Organizations In Sacramento You Should Know
Economic Development
1. Greater Sacramento Urban League
As an affiliate of the National Urban League, the Greater Sacramento Urban League is just the right community organization to be apart of if you’re looking stay ahead of the curve.
Indivizible Hosts Education Reform Panel With Mayor Kevin Johnson, Richard Whitmire, And Michelle Rhee
Black Agenda
Sacramento, CA – Yesterday, Indivizible hosted a panel discussion at the Guild Theater that was moderated by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson and focused on reforming education. The timely discussion came one week after the California Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles issued a historic decision in Vergara v. California, striking down as unconstitutional five harmful provisions of the California Education Code.
Education Panel Discusses The Proven Difference Charters Make For Black And Brown Students
2014 Speaker Series
In Sacramento the achievement gap widens as African American students continue to perform significantly lower than their classmates . In fact in the last 10 years African-American students have only been able close the achievement gap by a mere 3%. At this rate it will take black kids over 300 years to catch up. We need solutions and we need them quickly.
60 Years After Brown Vs. Board, Education Is Still The Civil Rights Issue Of Our Time
Black Agenda
Sixty years ago this week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregated public schools violated our basic equal rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution—a decision that gave birth, in large part, to the civil rights movement in our country. But while the Brown v. Board of Education case is a historic event to be celebrated, its anniversary, in my view, is not.
Dr. Harry Edwards Raises Interesting, Yet Valid Points During Indivizible’s Speaker Series
2014 Speaker Series
With the recent Donald Sterling fiasco and the exposure of Sterling’s racially inflammatory comments, Sports Sociologist Dr. Harry Edwards, presence for Indivizible’s 2014 Speaker series was perfect timing.
Edwards not only put Donald Sterling and his interesting comments into perspective for Indivizible members, he also introduced a few other thought-provoking connections, between race and sports, that he feels the black community MUST be cognizant of.
The Man Behind The Commissioners Ruling
Black Agenda
How Kevin Johnson influenced the Donald Sterling ruling.
When N.B.A. Commissioner Adam Silver announced a lifetime ban of the disgraced Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling and said he would urge the league’s Board of Governors to vote for a forced sale of the team, Silver was widely hailed for his decisive leadership in defusing a burgeoning crisis.
Statement By Mayor Kevin Johnson On Donald Sterling Allegations
Black Agenda
Mayor Johnson reacts to reported comments by Clippers owner Donald Sterling.
Ron Davis To Sacramento: “America Is Disconnected From Our Youth”
Recent events have made it clear to the African American community that our youth are in immediate danger. However, America hasn’t made it clear why they feel threatened by todays urban youth. We know it can’t be loud rap music, skittles and iced tea causing people to wage war against our children. Right?!?
Randal Seriguchi On Indivizible’s Political Forum
Black Agenda
Indivizible’s monthly meeting and political forum took place this past Monday at The Guild Theatre in Sacramento. With over 240 eager attendees, Indivizible first political forum proved to be a sweeping success.
As the primary election draws near, candidates were eager to address the concerns of our communities, as well as discuss how each planned on making a better Sacramento.
Sacramento’s Black Vote Does Matter!
Black Agenda
We are a long way from the record voting turnout and general political nostalgia we all witnessed within the African American community during the 2009 presidential election. However, it’s no secret that this voter-sentiment is needed within the black community here in Sacramento.
A mere 8% of Sacramento’s black population made it out to the polls last year. A number far lower than our counterparts.
Ariel Investment Quick Tips: Saving For Your Retirement
Economic Development
Too many Americans remain poorly prepared for retirement.
Although most of us work hard throughout our adult lives, many have little saved as they approach their golden years. I want to share a few observations about why this problem is so important, and why the answers will require each one of us to do our part.
Isiah Thomas To Sacramento: Education Is The Driving Force Behind Your Success!
During our last installment of Indivizible’s 2014 Speaker Series, Mayor Kevin Johnson welcomed NBA icon Isiah Thomas, for a meet and greet reception and a follow up hour long question-and-answer session with more than 300 Indivizible members in attendance.
Sacramento’s 2014 Primary Elections
The Primary Municipal Elections for Sacramento’s City Council are right around the corner and it’s important you know who is running and what they stand for!
Indivizible Preparing For Guest Speaker Isiah Thomas
2014 Speaker Series
Indivizible’s next installment of the 2014 Sacramento Speaker Series is quickly approaching and sentiments are rising for the arrival of guest speaker, legendary sports icon Isiah Thomas.
Although Thomas is mostly known for leading the Detroit Pistons into back-to-back championships in 1988 and 1989, Thomas has had significant success in the the business landscape in his post-playing days.
#Mybrotherskeeper: Creating Opportunities For Boys And Men Of Color
Last week President Barack Obama launched My Brother’s Keeper – a new initiative to help young boys and men of color to get ahead. Across the country communities are partnering with local businesses and foundations to connect young boys and young men with mentoring and support networks, providing them with the skills they will need to go to college, get a job and climb their way up into the middle class.
Indivizible’s First Installment Of The 2014 Sacramento Speaker Series Featuring Isaiah Thomas Was A Success!
2014 Speaker Series
On Monday, February 24, 2014, Indivizible held it’s first event in their 2014 Sacramento Speaker Series. The topic centered around education and it’s importance within the African American community. Over 200 people where in attendance and gathered to listen to guest speaker Isaiah Thomas, of The Sacramento Kings, detail his life experiences and how education played a leading role in his development and ultimately his career.
Indivizible 2014 Annual Meeting Recap
Indivizible has big things planned for 2014 and we hope you all will join us in our goal in making the African American community one of the most powerful economic and political forces in our country!
For 2014 you can expect significant strides and development in: