Sac High Band 3
St. HOPE Accelerates Mission to Support Sacramento Youth
SAN MATEO, Calif., June 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ – St. HOPE, a nonprofit community development corporation, has leveraged Oracle NetSuite to support its mission to create one of the finest urban pre-kindergarten through 12th grade public school systems in the United States. With NetSuite SuiteSuccess for Nonprofits, St. HOPE has been able to streamline critical business functions in order to focus its time and resources on providing high quality public education and creating living-wage sustainable jobs.
St. HOPE Scholars Are Oak Park Smart!
Know some amazing students? So do we! This past month, three students, one each from PS7, Oak Park Prep and Sac High, were recognized at the second annual Celebrate Oak Park festival as Oak Park Smart’s top students. Celebrate Oak Park is an annual celebration of learning and student achievement for the schools serving Oak Park and is put on by Jay Schenirer’s WayUp initiative.
Best of Sac High, 2018
Underground Books and Old Soul were pleased to present the 15th annual “Best of Sac High Student Art Exhibit.” The exhibit showcases the school year’s best work by students attending Sac High. The exhibit is a board cross-spectrum of talented youth – freshmen to seniors, as well as a diverse representation from the three art pathways on Sac High’s campus.
Pi Day Fun!
PS7 Middle scholars had the opportunity to participate in our annual Pi Day carnival in March. Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant pi (π), celebrated on March 14th (3.14)! The event was led by our 8th grade scholars as they managed a variety of stations for our sixth and seventh grade scholars to participate in, such as field games, math worksheets, a Pi chain, and of course, enjoying a slice of pie!! Our sixth and seventh graders had a fantastic time participating as they were able to show off their math knowledge and teamwork skills!
Sac High Class of 2021 Visits Google!
Last month, the entire Sac High Class of 2021 (9th grade) was invited to spend a day at Google headquarters in Mountain View! The Dragons spent the whole day touring the #googleplex with a “Googler”, eating a meal from the Google Kitchen, and hearing from a panel of “Googlers” with diverse backgrounds and experiences. This trip was important for our students in that it opened up their minds to the endless possibilities available to them when they pursue and obtain their college degree.
Shout Hooray for St. HOPE’s Big Day!
Earlier this month, St. HOPE participated in the Big Day of Giving, one of the region’s biggest online giving campaigns created to support Sacramento’s nonprofit community by raising essential funding and allowing for nonprofits to continue in their efforts to make Sacramento a better place!
As hopeful as our staff and students were, we would have never expected what was to come on that big day! Securing over $60,000 in donations and matching donations of a $50,000 goal was more than we could have ever anticipated! EVER!
Sac High Staff gets “Lunch on Us!”
Sac High Staff was awarded “Lunch on Us” from Schools Financial Credit Union in March as a way to acknowledge their hard work and influence on campus.
Speaker Series Returns to Oak Park
In partnership with Underground Books and the Greater Sacramento Urban League, the inaugural Oak Park Speaker Series is proud to announce an exciting lineup of speakers including Roland Martin, Byron Pitts, Terry McMillan and Carla Harris. Individual tickets and sponsorships are now available for the 4-part series that will launch on May 9 at the Guild Theater.
Big Day of Giving to Help Transform the Sac High Library!
May 3rd marks the Big Day of Giving and for St. HOPE a day of HOPE and anticipation!
Student Section: Reflecting on Gun Violence
Last month Sac High participated in the “National School Walkout” during which students across the country walked out of school to honor the 17 victims shot and killed at Stoneman Douglas High School in February. The walkout was initiated as a call to the U.S. government to pass stricter gun control laws. Here’s what one student had to say about it:
Sac High Tackles the Regional Science Bowl!
Sac High freshman biology students tackled the Regional Science Bowl hosted at Cordova High School on February 24th. After months of anticipating acceptance as an eligible team, the group of young men began to prepare intensely, studying every day during lunch and after school for the competition. They eagerly counted the days until the competition, discussing the new topics they had learned since they began practicing two months prior. The Dragon competitors studied concepts from basic biology to college level physics to ensure they were prepared to compete in the program.
Oral History Night
Oral History Night is Oak Park Preparatory Academy’s annual celebration of Black History Month. The night consists of students sharing inspiring stories about challenges they have faced in their lives, and how they plan to use those experiences to motivate them to achieve future success. There is also a portion of the night when students and families compete in the “Who Am I” challenge in which they are given various bios of famous African Americans and must guess who they are.
#GTDragons Rise
It is common for professional athletes and local teams to support the communities in which they live and play. Sac High and St. HOPE have certainly received generous support from local teams such as the Kings and FC Republic, and from players like DeMarcus Cousins. These relationships have produced plenty of photo ops and check presentations, not to mention incredibly exciting opportunities for St. HOPE students. This has been no more evident by the recent addition of Garrett Temple to the Kings roster. Like Mr. Cousins before him, Mr.
All-Star Spotlight: Q & A with Anaiyah Cabrellis!
All-Star Spotlight: Q & A with Anaiyah Cabrellis!
Q: Tell us about yourself.
A: My name is Anaiyah and I’m 16. I’m the Junior Class President at Sac High, and an intern at Underground Books. I like to read, write and draw, and my favorite subjects are history and math.
Q: Awesome! What else are you involved in on campus?
College? Yes Please.
PS7 Middle School scholars had the opportunity to visit three college campuses this month! PS7 sixth graders went to UC Davis, 7th graders went to UC Berkeley, and 8th graders went to Stanford. At each college, scholars participated in a campus tour, explored each campus, visited the bookstore, and played games in the quad. Scholars learned all about the majors and programs offered at each school, the requirements to get into each school, life as a college freshman, and extracurricular activities available at each school.
Even Dragons Have Grandmas
When one thinks of Sac High athletics, one’s mind likely first flashes to images of players streaking to victory down the football field or basketball court, to the banners that line the walls of the gym, and to the pictures of the students who pursued college and professional careers following their time at Sac High.
Sac High Shadow Days Kick-Off!
The Sac High Shadow Day Program kicked off earlier this month by hosting eighth graders (Class of 2022) from St. HOPE’s very own Oak Park Prep Academy. The Shadow Day Program is a terrific opportunity for interested eighth graders to learn firsthand what it means to be a Sac High Dragon. Shadow Days at Sac High offer a fun and illuminating way to connect with current Sac High scholars, meet diverse leaders on campus and learn about specific courses and programs offered only at Sac High.
Black to the Future Dialogue
Underground Books celebrated Black History Month with a panel discussion led by well-known artist Milton Bowens, Dr. Torry Winn of UC Davis’ Transformative Justice in Education Center (TJE) and Dr. Teresa Aldredge of the Los Rios Community College System.
College Track Center Stage: Violet Walker
Violet Walker is a Senior at Sac High and part of the original founding cohort of College Track Sacramento. She completed her college applications last semester and is excitedly awaiting her results. She has already been accepted to Tuskegee University, Wilberforce University, Virginia State, West Virginia State, Chico State, and Benedict College. Her top choices are UC Merced, UC Davis, or Humboldt State. While waiting on the rest of her acceptances, she is busy applying for numerous scholarships. She wants to study medicine and eventually become a veterinarian.
AP Biology Students Study Plant Physiology and Breathe Success
Do you ever wonder why leaves really turn colors in the fall? And how plants actually produce the oxygen we breathe and need to live? If you run into a Sac High AP Biology student this New Year, she/he should be able to give you an explanation that would satisfy a college biology instructor!