Sac High Band 3
Sac High Scholars are College Bound!
On June 5th, Sacramento Charter High School graduated its senior class of scholars! We are very proud to say that even through an amazingly challenging year, 90% of the class was accepted to a 4-year university! The class of 2021 had acceptances to all nine Universities of California, all 21 California State Universities, and 25 different historically Black colleges and universities.
Two outstanding scholars stood out amongst the class: Shabon Hankerson and Heaven Samayoa-Mathis.
As St. HOPE president and CEO steps down, a familiar face is taking on the position
Sacramento Bee 6.9.21
Jake Mossawir is looking forward to focusing on the next chapter of his life, his family, as he expects to become a father to a baby girl this fall.
The St. HOPE President and CEO announced that he is stepping away after six years with the organization in an email to St. Hope students and families.
Mossawir and his wife are expecting a daughter and plan to relocate to Texas to start their family.
CA Charter Schools Assn Recognizes Sac High for Black Student Performance
Kitty O'Neal
Sacramento Charter High has made it its mission “to graduate self-motivated, industrious, and critically thinking leaders who are committed to serving others, passionate about lifelong learning and prepared to earn a degree from a four-year college.”
The school requires scholars to engage in a variety of extra-curricular activities throughout their four years at the school. As a result, students understand they must utilize every moment of their days productively engaged in academics or worthy extracurricular activities – which often translates into more time at school.
CCSA Names Sac High as the Highest Performing High School for Black Students in CA
California Charter School Association (CCSA) pulled together a series called “Serving Black Students with Excellence” in honor of Black History Month. Sacramento Charter High School was featured in the series as the highest performing high school for Black students in California! You can check out their blog here for the full story!
Ms. Williams-James featured on National Parents Union
National Parents Union hosted Christina Williams-James, Dean of Culture and Instruction at St. HOPE Public Schools, on their “Managing Day to Day” podcast along with leaders from two other California charter schools. Christina talked about our mission of sending scholars to and through college, our five pillars, and how we support scholars of color. Check it out on Facebook Live HERE!
How COVID-19 is reshaping education
Digital Daily
Reported and written by Word In Black
Word in Black is a news collaborative representing 10 of the leading Black publishers in the U.S. This story represents a cross-section of their work on the impact of COVID 19 on K-12 education.
Bonney Donates Headsets to PS7 Elementary Scholars
Imagine this: You are trying to listen to the instructions from your teacher on your laptop, the volume is all the way up, but you still can’t hear. You look around the room and all your brothers, sisters, even parents are trying to do the same. Add the fact that you are still trying to figure out how distance learning works. Sounds frustrating, doesn’t it?
Learning In The Age of COVID: From Chaos Comes Opportunity to Build Community
By Stephen Magagnini
(WORDINBLACK.COM) – On Sunday, Sept. 12, the NY Times Magazine called 2020 “The Lost Year” for students across America and their families dealing with remote learning and the social, psychological and cognitive challenges it presents.
Sac High Names Head to Mars
On Thursday July 30, 2020, NASA launched its most advanced rover to Mars. Back in 2019, as the Mars 2020 Rover, now renamed Perseverance, was in its testing phase of development, NASA called on the world to see who would want their names placed on the rover and travel 7 months to the red planet. Those participants would receive a boarding pass and accumulate Frequent Flyer Miles.
Slim & Husky’s Pizza Beeria Grand Opening in Oak Park
While Sacramento’s dining scene has been struggling with the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, there is a bright spot with this week’s opening of a new fast casual and gourmet pizza joint in Oak Park. Slim & Husky’s Pizza Beeria is a Nashville-based chain run by three childhood friends who dreamed up the concept inside an old garage in 2015. They spent two years testing pizza recipes in that garage and then launched their restaurant with great success. Their Oak Park grand opening marks their 5th location and is the latest Black-owned business to join the Oak Park resurgence.
CBS Highlights St. HOPE’s Distance Learning
Good Day Sacramento visited Ms. Meyers at PS7 Middle School to learn more about our distance learning model! Check out the clip to hear about how our scholars, parents, and teachers are navigating this new school year!
St. HOPE Launches New School Year with Robust Distance Learning Approach
More live teacher instruction, commitment to student to engagement, focus on real academic progress
New Sac High Field Coming Soon!
While the CIF recently announced that Fall sports are delayed until January, that is not stopping us from planning for the long term. You voted and we heard your feedback, so we put together a flyover of your choice! Watch the video here. As one of the last high schools in the region that still has a dirt track & grass field, we appreciate the outpouring of support from so many of you who believe that our students deserve the same athletic facilities as other schools in the area.
Senior Signing Day
Each Spring at Sacramento Charter High School we celebrate out scholars and their amazing achievements with a Senior Signing Day where they share their final college decision with our community. This year, given social distancing parameters, scholars were honored with a Senior Signing Day video. Watch the video here.
Sac High’s 2020 Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to Sacramento Charter High School’s Class of 2020! We are so proud of these scholars and hope you will join us in celebrating their achievements. This year’s graduation ceremony was pre-recorded at the Guild Theater in Oak Park and all social distance rules were followed. Click here to watch the ceremony.
Excited Sacramento High School seniors met with flowers, posters in drive thru graduation
Sac Bee 5.27.20
MAY 27, 2020 04:25 PM
Sacramento Charter High School seniors are met with flowers, yard posters printed with their senior portraits, and their caps and gowns in a drive thru graduation celebration, Wednesday May 27, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic.
St. HOPE’s Unique Approach to Distance Learning
St. HOPE’s distance learning program is truly about continued learning. The classes look different, and the methods are new and creative, but goals are the same as they’ve always been. Distance learning at PS7 Elementary, PS7 Middle, and Sacramento Charter High School is not a mere assignment of busywork or simple worksheet packets that have kids treading water.
Oak Park Restaurants are Still Open for Business
We are so thankful that Fixins, Old Soul, La Venadita, and Oak Park Brewery are still open for take out! Support your favorite local restaurants by placing a to go order and making it a picnic meal at the park or special night with the family. Check out their Instagram pages for the latest news and discounts!
Creative Distance Learning Happening at SHPS
It was a tough transition to distance learning for students – so some St. HOPE teachers aimed to help ease the way through video introductions to their “virtual classrooms” helping their students understand expectations, how the new process will work, and to get excited about their new way of learning.
Scholar Spotlight: Jazmine Spears
See below for a brief but encouraging interview with Sacramento High School’s 12th grade scholar, Jazmine Spears!
Q: Tell us a little bit about your high school experience.
A: These last four year years at Sac High have been so busy! I have been involved in so many different activities like step team, basketball, cheerleading, College Track, working at Underground Books and so much more! This year I was one of the team captains for cheer and last summer I got the experience of going to East Africa for 2 weeks with College Track. Being involved has been so important to me as it allows me to bond with my fellow classmates, be a part of a team, and gain different responsibilities.