Five Pillars


These basic principles form the five pillars are responsible for the success of St. HOPE Public Schools.

High Expectations

St. HOPE Public Schools has high expectations for academic achievement and conduct that are clearly defined, measurable, and make no excuses based on the background of students. Students, parents, teachers, and staff create and reinforce a culture of achievement and support, through a range of formal and informal rewards and consequences for academic performance and behavior.

Choice and Commitment

Students, their parents, and the staff of St. HOPE Public Schools choose to participate in the program. No one is assigned or forced to attend. Everyone must make and uphold a commitment to their school and to each other to put in the time and effort required to achieve success.

More Time

St. HOPE Public Schools knows that there are no shortcuts when it comes to success in academics and life. With an extended school day, week, and year, students have more time in the classroom to acquire the academic knowledge and skills that prepare them for competitive colleges, as well as more opportunities to engage in diverse extracurricular experiences.

Focus on Results

St. HOPE Public Schools focuses relentlessly on high student performance through standardized tests and other objective measures. Just as there are no shortcuts, there are no exceptions. Students are expected to achieve a level of academic performance that will enable them to succeed in the nation’s best colleges and the world beyond.

Power to Lead

St. HOPE Public Schools strongly believes the measure of a person’s success is in what he or she gives to others. Through community service, students develop a strong sense of civic responsibility and establish the foundation for a lifetime of meaningful community involvement. Students also deepen and demonstrate their learning, are empowered to become leaders, and impact the community in which they live.