Sac High teacher Domina Stamas, is one of only 29 teachers from across the country selected for NASA’s “Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors” Training Program. She will fly with the SOFIA Telescope and receive training to bring a new space science curriculum to her 11th grade students.
Check out the full story on KFBK here!
What’s the secret sauce for academic success? A great teacher? More school funding? At-home support? This is a subject that generates impassioned debate in the halls of government as well as around kitchen tables across the country. Parents often think the key to their child’s academic success lies in which teacher they are assigned to and whether that person can identify children’s abilities, work to strengthen their core competencies and push them to be the best students they can be.
It’s that time of the year again where our St.HOPE team gets to welcome new scholars and families to the network! We are eager to invite all applicants to attend this free, public event. Prospective families will be able to enjoy a fun filled evening with their new St. HOPE family. Our teams from PS7 Elementary, PS7 Middle, and Sac High will be ready to meet our new scholars and share a bit more about what’s to be expected at SHPS.
St. HOPE Public Schools continues to receive guidance from the Sacramento County Public Health Department (SCPH), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) and the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) to ensure a coordinated response that protects students and staff.