Sac Town Veg Fest Recap


On Saturday, January 28th, local families filled Sac High for this year’s Sac Town Veg Fest. In previous years the event had been held at other area schools. However, event organizer Glenn Destatte was adamant about hosting it in Oak Park and quickly booked Sac High. With over 45 vendors and presenters and ideal weather, the estimated 1,700 guests were in for a great time. Vendors sold food, handmade soaps and various health products. Destatte confirmed that most of the vendors sold out of their products before the event ended. He was ecstatic when the main parking lot was filled at 11:15 a.m., only 15 minutes after the doors opened.


Sac High students enrolled in the Business Pathway sold over a dozen bottles of their new Sangre del Dragon hot sauce. A community member even approached them about investing in the company. Although they were initially timid, the students quickly engaged with guests and showcased their entrepreneurial spirit, which was noted by Edible Sac High Director, Karen Henderson.  Edible Sac High students also sold over 100 brick oven-made pizzas, while providing visitors with tours of the garden. Henderson, noted, “If the pizzas cooked more quickly, we could have easily sold 100 more.” Stops on the garden tour included the greenhouse the Engineering Pathway students are constructing, as well as areas of land science classes will be using for spring time projects.

St. HOPE CEO Jake Mossawir commented, “I had no idea what to expect, but I loved it…there were so many people here.” Hosting the Veg Fest was a great opportunity for St. HOPE to showcase the talented students we have and collaborate with a community organization.