Frequently Asked Questions


Who is eligible for Special Education?

Scholars can struggle in a general education environment for a variety of reasons.  Some of them may be attendance, interest, attention, medical challenges, upsetting circumstances, personality conflicts, or a difference in the way they process information. When a scholar has been assessed and found to have an identifiable disability in one of 13 federally determined disability categories, they are eligible to receive Special Education services.

What is the process for having my child tested?

If a scholar is struggling in school, the first point of contact for parents should be the child’s teacher. Teachers, counselors, parents or administrators can recommend that a meeting be held (called an SST-Student Study Team meeting), to review the scholar’s strengths, weaknesses in academics, and have an in-depth discussion regarding what supports can be put in place to try to help the scholar succeed. If the supports that are tried are unsuccessful at making a difference, the scholar may be recommended for testing to determine if there is an actual disability.  This testing requires parental permission and collaboration.  Parents sign the permission form (“Assessment Plan”) and then school teachers, psychologists, and sometimes other professionals will assess scholar’s academic performance, intellectual processing, language and speech, motor abilities, and/or social/emotional functioning.  Once testing is completed, a comprehensive report is provided to parents in a meeting where the team will determine if the student qualifies for specialized instructional support.

Can my child be exited from Special Education?

Yes!  Special Education services are always an offered service, and parents can choose not to take advantage of the offer.

Is my child monitored on the progress he/she is making in school?

Every scholar who qualifies for Special Education services will have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) which specifies the particular goals and services that will be provided to meet the child’s unique needs.  Included in the IEP is a caseload manager who will provide updates on the IEP goals with every grade reporting period.